can fish live in well water

One little-known perk of having well water is how beneficial it can be for the home aquarium. Fish love lakes, ponds, rivers, creeks and all of the natural sources of water, and since well water is drawn directly from the earth, fish love well water, too. Here in North Florida we have the benefit of … Đọc tiếp

can i use ro water for fish tank

Aquariums are a popular addition to many living rooms across the globe. They can be both beautiful and relaxing to watch. If you are a fish enthusiast, you know the importance of keeping your fish tank clean and healthy. One of the best ways to do that is by using reverse osmosis water for aquariums. … Đọc tiếp

can fish live in chlorine

How To Help Your Pet Fish Live in Tap Water You can take a few steps to guarantee that the water your pet fish are in is of the highest caliber. What are the Signs and Symptoms of Ammonia Poisoning Your pet fish is suffering from ammonia poisoning if it is not eating its pellets … Đọc tiếp

can i put filtered water in my fish tank

A fish tank is a great way to bring some life and color into your home. But before you can enjoy your new pet, you need to set up their home and make sure it’s suitable for them. This includes ensuring the water they swim in is clean and free of harmful chemicals. Water Filters … Đọc tiếp

can a bluegill live in a fish tank

If you dont know how to take care of bluegills, youll become their executioner rather than caretaker. Fortunately, taking care of the fish is easy. Knowing and practicing basic aquarium care is all that is required. Beyond that, setting up the tank so that it more closely mimics the bluegills natural environment will move you … Đọc tiếp