how to treat worms in fish

Fish diseases can be notoriously hard to diagnose, but one of the more easily recognizable illnesses is an internal parasite called the camallanus red worm. There are multiple species of nematodes or roundworms that are part of the Camallanus genus that can infect aquarium fish. They feed by attaching to the intestinal walls and can often co-exist with their host for a long time. However, added stress factors like bad water quality or tank aggression may weaken the immune system, allowing the worms to cause serious damage and even mortality.

Medicated fish food can be a little difficult to handle; is it better to medicate the fish’s food or their water? Because they don’t feel well, sick fish frequently won’t eat much at all. Furthermore, because it can be challenging to keep track of how much medicated food each fish is receiving, some fish may be taking in too much medication while others may be taking in too little. Medicated food may be a good choice if you are treating just one fish that is still eating healthily. To guarantee that each animal receives the appropriate concentration when treating multiple animals, we advise using medications that dissolve in the water and treat the entire tank.

Aquarium salt can be used to treat external parasites if you do not have access to these medications; however, it is not as effective for treating internal parasites. The way the salt works is that it causes the parasites to die from dehydration before it affects the fish, who have greater bulk and water reserves. See our comprehensive guide on using salt to cure sick fish for detailed instructions.

Fish harvested from the wild frequently has a high parasite burden, which may need three rounds of treatment to completely deworm.

We advise using PraziPro when ParaCleanse isn’t quite strong enough or if we’re seeing an issue with specific shrimp parasites like Vorticella and Scutalleria japonica because it contains a higher concentration of praziquantel.

Did you know that an aquarium fish you purchase has likely passed through several different locations, including a fish farm, wholesaler, and pet store, before reaching you? This increases the possibility that the fish has acquired an internal or external parasite. Fish that have been caught in the wild are particularly likely to carry parasites, if not several different kinds at once. Regretfully, aquarium fish rarely remain in the store long enough to ensure that they are free of parasitic illnesses. Your fish may require treatment with one of the following antiparasitic drugs if it exhibits any of the following symptoms: hole in the head, swollen abdomen, skinny disease, or strange-looking, discolored poop.

What Causes Camallanus Red Worms?

When diseased fish are added to an aquarium, the sick fish excretes worm larvae, which are then consumed by microscopic crustaceans such as cyclops. The cycle is continued when a healthy fish consumes infected crustaceans because the fish becomes contaminated and the larvae inside it develop into adults who can reproduce. When fish nibble on fish excrement that contains larvae of certain camallanus worm species, they can become infected directly. These species do not require an intermediate host. Adding plants, gravel, or equipment from an infected tank to a healthy tank can result in cross contamination, which further spreads the parasite because the disease is fairly contagious in either case.

Does My Fish Have Red Worms?

For a while during the early stages of the illness, the fish appears completely normal. Following that, you might start to notice that the young fish are growing more slowly than usual, the adults might not be reproducing as much, and over the course of several months, you might start to lose a few fish here and there. Some hobbyists also reported a loss in appetite.

When you notice one or more tiny, red worms emerging from the fish’s anal vent, it’s a clear indication that they are sick. It may appear as a collection of tiny red threads that protrude between ¼ and ½ inch (0 6–1. 3 cm). The illness is now very advanced, and the fish may appear abnormally thin (because the worms are consuming all the nutrients) or have a swollen belly from the worm infestation. Since the worms are obstructing the intestines, secondary infections may develop and result in the manifestation of additional symptoms.

Since a few worms can cause major issues for a nano fish, camallanus red worms are more noticeable in smaller livebearers like guppies. It takes the worms a lot longer to grow to a size where their population is strong enough to eat larger fish, such as angelfish.

how to treat worms in fish

Guppy with camallanus worm protruding from the anal vent


What is the best worm treatment for fish?

Expel-P. Fritz Expel-P is a fast-acting dewormer used to specifically treat parasites such as planaria, roundworms and nematodes (such as camallanus red worms), nodular worms, and hookworms.

How do you deworm fish naturally?

during emergency time, give garlic coated pellets to all your fishes regularly. give garlic coated pellets to all fishes regularly . it does not have any side effects. Thus garlic acts as a good natural dewormer.

How do I get rid of little worms in my fish tank?

Work methodically using a sand or gravel siphon — this is called vacuuming — to remove the worms from the sides and bottom of your fish tank. Make sure you don’t remove more than 10%-15% of the water in the process.