how to treat popeye in saltwater fish

No, not a cartoon character, but rather a physical descriptor. Fish popeye is another common problem we run into at our practice. What is “popeye” and how can it be treated? Is there a way to prevent it in your fish?

Treatment of Popeye Disease

Treatment for popeye will depend upon the underlying cause. If the fish does not get stressed or develop a secondary infection, the injury to its eye will usually heal on its own. While the eye heals, you can provide palliative care for the fish by using aquarium salt (unless contraindicated). This helps to relieve the swelling. Additionally, you should take down any decorations on your tank that could cause more harm, like sharp rocks, pointed plants, and ornaments with sharp edges.

Since poor water quality is a common cause of popeye and other fish illnesses, regular water changes and water chemistry monitoring are also advised during the recovery period. If water tests reveal an issue, such as a fluctuating pH or high ammonia or nitrite levels, address it right away to prevent more stress.

In order to prevent spreading the infection to other fish, any fish that is obviously infected with bacteria should be placed in a quarantine tank. To treat the infection, give this fish a broad-spectrum antibiotic that has been recommended by your veterinarian or pet supply store. Antibiotics may also need to be administered to the main tank if multiple fish are infected. High-quality food should be fed to all fish in order to support robust immune systems.

What Is Popeye Disease?

Exophthalmia, the medical term for Popeye disease, is a condition in which a fish’s eye swells and protrudes abnormally from its socket. Keep in mind that some aquarium fish species, like telescope-eye and black moor goldfish, typically have protruding eyes; this is not the same as popeye disease. Fish popeye can affect a single eye or both eyes. The fishs eyes may also appear cloudy in some cases.

Classifications of Fish Popeye

Fish popeye cases are termed exophthalmia in medical speak. It may be asymmetrical or bilateral. It may be a more mild case that develops gradually or it may be more severe, depending on the cause. If your fish’s eyes are causing you concern, it’s critical to obtain clear pictures or videos that document the development of any eye problems.


How do you cure Popeye in saltwater fish?

How do I treat popeye in fish? If your fish suffered a traumatic event, the best treatment is good water quality, a good diet, remove the cause of the trauma, if possible, and time. Some injuries may be so severe that the eye does not go back to normal, but your fish’s vision may still be okay.

What is the best medicine for Popeye in fish?

This is a gram-positive bacterium best treated with erythromycin (API E.M. Erythromycin, Mardel Maracyn, Thomas Labs Fish Mycin) or penicillin.

What medication is used for Popeye?

KanaPlex™ is a blended kanamycin based medication that safely and effectively treats several fungal, and bacterial fish diseases (dropsy, popeye, fin/tail rot, septicemia).

How long does it take to cure Popeye in fish?

Popeye Prognosis in Fish It takes weeks or months for the swelling to diminish, and damage to the cornea of the fish can be even slower to heal. However, severe damage to the fish’s eye may never heal completely, even if the swelling itself goes down.