how to tell if your betta fish is sleeping

Many betta owners are keenly aware of how active their fish are. But, compared to other fish, your betta may seem more lethargic or like to sleep more. Is this normal? How can you tell if your fish is sleeping normally or something is actually wrong? Here are some signs you might observe.

Where do betta fish sleep?

how to tell if your betta fish is sleeping

Get ready to be shocked by where your betta chooses to sleep if you think the way it sleeps is weird.

Spoiler: It’s anywhere.

Seriously. Since I have betta fish, I have found them sleeping behind my heater, on top of ornaments, on my filter intake, with their heads in the gravel, and even just floating.

And, it seems like other bettas are just as odd as mine. Check out these bettas sleeping in some unusual spots….

how to tell if your betta fish is sleeping

Just a betta fish casually sleeping with his head wedged between the rocks.

Yes, this betta is comfortably sleeping on top of a thermometer suction cup.

how to tell if your betta fish is sleeping

Snoozing among the leaves of an aquarium plant (Anacharis). This is perhaps the least unusual place for a betta to sleep.

Floating sleep, is the only position that causes me to check if my betta is still alive. Although I have had a few bettas that would sometimes float while they slept, most of them prefer to sit on something in my aquarium.

It’s sad to say that most of the time when I checked on a floating betta, it was dead, not sleeping.

But perhaps the strangest position that bettas sleep in is the ‘fish out of water. If you have a plant with leaves that stick out of the water, your betta might get comfortable there.

how to tell if your betta fish is sleeping

Yep, bettas are one of a few fish that can actually sleep out of water. This is because bettas can breathe like regular fish, both underwater and on the surface of their tank. Your betta can breathe just like you and me.

Now don’t get me wrong, your betta is no Aquaman. Your betta cannot do this for long periods of time and must remain moist.

How do you ensure your betta fish sleeps well?

A well-rested betta is a happy betta. Let’s look at the different ways you can encourage your betta to get a good sleep.

During the day, bettas like to take naps in the shade. At night, your betta will sleep soundly in complete darkness.

That makes sense, right? I mean, your betta can’t close his eyes, so it’s not fun for him to sleep with the lights on.

It is best to turn off the lights at night for bettas because they like to sleep in the dark.

It’s good for your aquarium if you cut down on the hours your lights are on because it can help stop algae growth, but that’s a different story.

If you are like me, and darn forgetful, I recommend grabbing a good aquarium timer for your tank. At night, the timer will turn off the lights in your aquarium. In the morning, it will turn them back on by itself.

As for daytime napping, bettas prefer a nice spot in the shade.

Fortunately, shade is easy to provide:

  • Put your fish tank somewhere in the shade and away from windows that let in direct light.
  • Betta-safe plants that are tall or float help block out the bright light.
  • Decors like caves, tunnels, and bridges can be a good place to sit at night.

When you set up your betta’s tank for the first time, you should think about where it can sleep in the shade. So plan ahead, it’s much easier to decorate an empty tank than when it is filled with water.

Unfortunately, no two bettas are alike. You can make the best place for your betta to sleep, but that doesn’t mean it will sleep there.

It is for this reason that I suggest giving your betta a choice of beds. You can let your betta choose where to sleep by giving him shady areas at the bottom, middle, and top of the tank.

I know this can be hard to do in a small aquarium because there is only so much space, but you can always take out any plants and decorations that your betta doesn’t like.

You can also use a betta hammock to provide your betta with a comfy spot to rest.

5. Your betta is getting old

Old age may be the reason that your betta is snoozing more than swimming. Bettas typically live for 3-5 years. It’s not uncommon for bettas to slow down and sleep more as they get old. It’s inevitable, and there isn’t anything that can be done about it.

I know it’s a sad thought, but you should be applauded. You have given your betta a happy and full life – well done!.


How do I know if my betta fish is sleeping or dead?

If the fish is sleeping, then it will wake up and try to escape from the net. Otherwise, the fish may be dead or very sick. In the next step, you need to keep an eye on your betta’s fins. If you see the cloudy pupils on your better fish eyes, it is the sign of death for most betta fish.

What does a sleeping betta fish look like?

Also their eyes might turn a diff color and their body might be paler. This helps camouflage them while they sleep.

Do betta fish stop moving when they sleep?

Did you know that betta fish sleep? That’s right, your fishy friend needs some shut-eye too, much like us humans. While they don’t have eyelids to close, they do take rest periods and often become very still during these times. However, excessive inactivity might be a sign of something more concerning.

What do betas do when they sleep?

Bettas really like to sleep in large flat leaves, such as stick-on betta leaf hammocks commonly available at most pet stores. Bettas without leafy décor may find a spot on top of a flat rock or even laying on the bottom of the aquarium substrate.